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The Power Pair: Terpenes & Cannabinoids

The Power Pair: Terpenes & Cannabinoids

Terpenes don’t work alone - they join forces with cannabinoids like THC & CBD to create what’s known as the entourage effect. This synergy between terpenes & cannabinoids is key to understanding why some strains make us feel energised, while others help us unwind or ease discomfort.
Today, we’ll break down how these compounds interact.

Scents & Sensibility: Decoding Terpenes in Cannabis

Scents & Sensibility: Decoding Terpenes in Cannabis

Deep dive into the world of terpenes, explore what they are & how they work, highlighting the top 5 terpenes to look for when choosing your next strain.
Greendoor vs Indoor vs Outdoor: Which Is better?

Greendoor vs Indoor vs Outdoor: Which Is better?

Here we’re exploring the differences between these three growing methods and how the plant’s growth, flavour, potency, and overall experience are affected.